CRLS 15 C-Reflector Diff Kit (15x15cm)

150 SEK / Day

Included in kit:

1x C-Reflector DIFF 1
1x C-Reflector DIFF 2
1x C-Reflector DIFF 3
1x C-Reflector DIFF 4
1x C-Wheel 2.0 Female
1x 16mm Pin
1x Safety Wire

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With The Light Bridge CRLS Cine Reflectors you get a spill light free light source, which makes it possible to control diffused light without flags or frames. They have a precision manufactured aluminium coated surface and are 100% color accurate.


Hard circular beam of light.

Best used for:

  • Redirecting light from one C-Reflector to another to avoid adding a new source
  • Extending the path of your light beam to imitatea natural fall-off (even for short distances)
  • Hard dapples of light in tungsten and daylight environment
  • Increasing efficiency with hard, spotted and directional light


Medium circular beam of diffused light.

Best used for:

  • Diffused, direct light with a punch
  • simulating punchy sky light
  • a softer, sunny beam of light
  • ideal for softer double C-Reflection
  • Extending light sources with 100% color accurancy(sodium vapour, practicals, green fluorescents, etc.)


Soft circular ray of diffused light.

Best used for:

  • Powerful diffused light
  • Soft shadows with a natural feel
  • Fill light with some punch


Maximum diffused reflection.

Best used for:

  • Soft fill light
  • Cloudy sky simulation without losing direction
  • Beauty light
  • Soft eyelight
  • Evenly lit surfaces
  • Super diffused shadows