DPA 4061

Miniature Omnidirectional Microphone, Loud SPL, MicroDot

130 SEK / Day

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This microphone is acoustically identical to the 4060 Miniature Omnidirectional Microphone, Normal SPL, but its sensitivity is adjusted to accommodate higher sound pressure levels (SPLs).

The 4061 Miniature Omnidirectional Microphone, Loud SPL can handle SPL up to 144 dB peak before clipping, making it one of the best miniatures for use on very loud sound sources, such as some instruments and human voices.

In comparison, the 4061 is about 10 dB less sensitive than the 4060 and therefore works well when used for hidden applications, for example mounted on the head or forehead of a theater performer. In this placement, the sound pressure level is about 10 dB louder than what you encounter with chest placement (lapel microphone).