Grip Trucks
4,200 SEK / Day
Insurance included
Conditions, see our Rental Terms
Excluding: Diesel / Liter (HVO100)
Will be added: Usage Gripkit
Will be added: Mileage, Grip Truck 8 SEK / Km > Incl. 50 Km
Will be added: Congestion tax (Trängselskatt)
Driving license C

To reduce our carbon footprint, we now use NESTE MY Renewable Diesel (HVO100)
All our trucks can run on HVO100
Up to 90% less greenhouse gas emissions
We offer a number of various Grip Trucks for transport of Lighting equipment.
All our Grip Trucks are custom adapted for film production needs. Including such as mounted external storage boxes, load compartment containing 230V outlet and load rails for easy and safe cargo fastening.
All trucks comes ready packed with a lighting and grip equipment kit in a pay-per-use system. Just add your lights and you are ready to shoot!
For specified Gripkit list, vehicle specifications and/or bookings, please contact our Booking.